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Erythritol: What It Is, Side Effects, and Risks

Get up-to-date on erythritol! Discover the facts about this trending sweetener, including potential health concerns and smart shopping alternatives.


An Ancient Superfood Called Chia

An Ancient Superfood Called Chia

Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. The fiber in chia seeds is crazy. 11 grams of fiber per ounce? What is...

An Ancient Superfood Called Chia

Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. The fiber in chia seeds is crazy. 11 grams of fiber per ounce? What is...

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Beans are Life in a Nutshell. Literally.

Beans are Life in a Nutshell. Literally.

A single plant can contain as many as 8,000 polyphenols—naturally occurring micronutrients. Increasingly, western science tells us that plant polyphenols play a central role in human health. And it all starts with the seed....

Beans are Life in a Nutshell. Literally.

A single plant can contain as many as 8,000 polyphenols—naturally occurring micronutrients. Increasingly, western science tells us that plant polyphenols play a central role in human health. And it all starts with the seed....

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Herbal Shower Power for Your Body and Mind

Herbal Shower Power for Your Body and Mind

Shower time. As you holler Adele songs at the top of your lungs, pillowy clouds of steam draw essential oils from your selected herbs, atomizing and giving them warm flight until you and...

Herbal Shower Power for Your Body and Mind

Shower time. As you holler Adele songs at the top of your lungs, pillowy clouds of steam draw essential oils from your selected herbs, atomizing and giving them warm flight until you and...

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Cordycep Militaris both Heals and Horrifies

Cordycep Militaris both Heals and Horrifies

Cordyceps; yes, the name is strange, but not as strange as this superfood’s bizarre origin story. Cordyceps is not a nodding little blossom delicately posing in the sun, and science...

Cordycep Militaris both Heals and Horrifies

Cordyceps; yes, the name is strange, but not as strange as this superfood’s bizarre origin story. Cordyceps is not a nodding little blossom delicately posing in the sun, and science...

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The Hydrogen Bomb in Your Bloodstream.

The Hydrogen Bomb in Your Bloodstream.

The hydrogen atom blew up the Bikini Atoll with such history-making force, an enterprising French swimwear designer named his new line after the explosion. Seriously. Trans-fats use the same hydrogen atom to...

The Hydrogen Bomb in Your Bloodstream.

The hydrogen atom blew up the Bikini Atoll with such history-making force, an enterprising French swimwear designer named his new line after the explosion. Seriously. Trans-fats use the same hydrogen atom to...

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How to Harness the Power of Pea Protein

How to Harness the Power of Pea Protein

Power Peas! These tiny green cannonballs are packed with phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium...these things are loaded!  

How to Harness the Power of Pea Protein

Power Peas! These tiny green cannonballs are packed with phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium...these things are loaded!  

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